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Usability & User Acceptance Testing

Beyond the lab - Actionable User Research


There’s nothing worse than getting a lengthy usability report that lists all the flaws and findings of your recent build and offers only vague recommendations for “what” to improve, but not “how”.


More than researchers, we at proformUX are fully experienced User Experience Subject Matter Experts with extensive digital experience and backgrounds in enterprise level UX design and architecture.  Our experienced UX practitioners bring solution minded thinking to all of our survey and research methods.


Because we bring the invaluable experience of full P&L responsibility and accountability for the success or failure (based on real KPI’s) of the products we’ve designed, we know how to provide you with the feedback you truly need. 


Our team is fully equipped to evaluate your usability test findings and provide you with recommended iterations for potential solutions. This allows you and your team to quickly learn, pivot, adapt, implement, re-test, and eventually - deploy.


The best part of our offering is that we can test at any time in the SDLC process - During Discovery, During Design, or after Build!



Our Methodology - Beyond the Basics


While we offer the standards form of usability testing such as A/B testing, Surveys,  Automated testing, Accessibility, and more, we also have developed our own proprietary techniques for testing users which we’ve incorporated into a valuable proprietary methodology. 

Developed over a decade of practice, our 360 Degree Usability Audit is perhaps the most thorough and complete UX software evaluation ever designed.  This methodology is specifically developed to reduce latent Response Biases in your testing cohort. The findings and accompanying recommendations are therefore likely to be the most actionable set of findings you will ever receive from a research firm. 


Our 360 Degree Usability Audit tests for the following criteria:


  • Accommodation  
    Does it fulfill users’ needs?


  • Ease of Use / Usability
    Can users accomplish tasks, and how well?


  • Feature Optimization
    Are the right utilities available when expected?


  • Help and Documentation
    Are you answering the right questions?


  • Information Architecture
    Is it organized in relevant meaningful ways?


  • Interface Design Quality
    Is the UI visually relevant, pleasing, on-brand?


  • Use/Clarity of Language
    Is it easy to understand/learn what to do?


  • User Freedom and Control
    Do users have enough autonomy?


  • User Support
    How well can a user recover from error(s)?


  • User Workflow
    Are tasks flowing in logical succession?



When users' honesty misleads


Working with your team, we select relevant criteria from above and form very precise questions which are then shuffled into categories and worded to fall into dispositions for General Impressions, General Criteria, or Specific Criteria. These dispositions help us unpack general impressions to discover more root-cause concerns, because while honest - they can be misleading.


General Impression:
How’s your day going?”


General Criteria:
“Are you feeling better today?”


Specific Criteria:
“Is that migraine still bothering you?”


Once we establish the Audit Criteria we then identify and organize cohort groups from all interested parties.  By auditing Internal Stakeholders, Direct Impacts, End Users, and Prospects alike we uncover how each group thinks and evaluates the same product against the same criteria.  Exploring the perception differences between these groups often reveals that certain of these cohorts esteem a product solution much differently than another - even varying widely in their perceptions. We can therefore solve for bias, and make recommendations that truly meet the most reasonable expectations. 



Not every cohort is equal


Different groups have different levels of acumen for assessing technology, design, language etc.  We have included in our process some simple check-and-balance measures to help you understand the aptitude of each user group, how they think and solve problems etc to help you better qualify the results of the audit.   


Once complete we evaluate your 360 Degree Usability Audit and create a presentation for you and your stakeholders to use as supporting documentation for your project.  We are available to present these findings, field questions, and provide feedback on-site or virtually. 


Beyond the Lab 


We also offer the value added service of UX Design and Architecture to help you iterate on possible improvements based on the summary of findings.


We look forward to working with you, to put findings into action, and facilitate your project’s success at it passes through the required stage gates for success criteria and moves out into production where it belongs!



Usability Testing Charlotte

Usability Testing Charlotte

Usability and User Acceptance Testing Charlotte

Sequential A/B Testing

Sequential A/B Testing

Sequential A/B Testing Process and Method

Online Usability Test

Online Usability Test

Online Usability Test

Multi Device Testing

Multi Device Testing

Multi Device Testing

User Research Scorecard

User Research Scorecard

User Research Scorecard

User Research Cohort

User Research Cohort

User Research Cohort Design

Usability Comparison Test

Usability Comparison Test

Usability Comparison Test

Virtual Online Usability Testing

Virtual Online Usability Testing

Virtual Online Usability Testing

Usability Report Presentation

Usability Report Presentation

Usability Report Presentation

Usability Findings

Usability Findings

Usability Findings

Usability Research Report

Usability Research Report

Usability Research Report

Stage gate usability results

Stage gate usability results

Stage gate usability results

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